Monday, March 1, 2021

March 2021 - Jesus Comforted Others


This month, let's focus on how you can comfort others as Jesus did.

To get started, read this article in the Friend, Jesus Comforted Others

Photo Credit:  March 2021 Friend Magazine 

How can you help comfort others?  One way to think of ideas is to simply think about how you like to be comforted. These same ways will probably also comfort someone else. Can you think of someone you know who might need some extra comfort? Don't forget that everyone can benefit from being comforted.  Read the plan shared in the article to help you prepare to comfort others.

Watch this video of your Primary friends from the 3rd ward talking about ways they can comfort others. 

For the Little Ones: When Jesus’s friend Lazarus died, Jesus comforted Mary and Martha.
How can you help someone feel comfort when they are sad?
Because Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can’t be here in person we can serve and help comfort others for them.
Do you know someone right now that might be sad or lonely? Here are two coloring pages you can color and send to that special person!  (Click image for link to full size download.)

Suggested songs to learn this month:





How are you comforting others?


Let's Connect!   Your answer to the question can inspire your friends and help you connect with other Primary children. 

Ways to share and connect with others:

  • Answer the question with your family and friends in person. 
  • Have a parent type your thoughts and ideas in the comment section below.  
  • Take time to read the posted comments. Think about what others have shared and try some of their ideas.
  • Submit your response to the Friend magazine. Look on the back page of the Friend for details.

Additional Resources:

Children's Site

Audience-Children (Contains many different resources in one location) 


1 comment:

  1. Third ward your awesome! Thanks for sharing your children, it’s so fun to see them and hear such honest, pure answers.
