Sunday, October 31, 2021





This month, let's focus on how you can honor your parents like Jesus did.

To get started, read this article in the Friend, Jesus Honored His Parents.

Photo Credit:  November 2021 Friend Magazine 

Jesus was a perfect example of how to honor our parents.  To honor means to love, respect and obey. What ways can you honor your parents?

Watch this video of your Primary friends from the Willows ward talking about ways they can invite others. 

For the Little Ones: 

Suggested songs to learn this month:





How are you being like Jesus?

Let's Connect!   Your answer to the question can inspire your friends and help you connect with other Primary children. 

Ways to share and connect with others:

  • Answer the question with your family and friends in person. 
  • Have a parent type your thoughts and ideas in the comment section below.  
  • Take time to read the posted comments. Think about what others have shared and try some of their ideas.
  • Submit your response to the Friend magazine. Look on the back page of the Friend for details.

Additional Resources:

Children's Site

Audience-Children (Contains many different resources in one location) 

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

September - Jesus Invited Others



This month, let's focus on how you can invite others like Jesus did.

To get started, read this article in the Friend, Jesus Invited Others.

Photo Credit:  September 2021 Friend Magazine

Jesus invited others to follow Him and was the perfect example to us of how to live and act.  What can you do to invite others to learn of Jesus Christ?  How can you be an example of Jesus to others?

Watch this video of your Primary friends from the 29th ward talking about ways they can invite others. 

For the Little Ones: 

Jesus was such a good example to us of including others. Jesus loved everyone! We can follow His example by being nice to people we see, smiling at someone that looks sad, or invite someone to play that is alone.


Suggested songs to learn this month:





How are you being like Jesus?

Let's Connect!   Your answer to the question can inspire your friends and help you connect with other Primary children. 

Ways to share and connect with others:

  • Answer the question with your family and friends in person. 
  • Have a parent type your thoughts and ideas in the comment section below.  
  • Take time to read the posted comments. Think about what others have shared and try some of their ideas.
  • Submit your response to the Friend magazine. Look on the back page of the Friend for details.

Additional Resources:

Children's Site

Audience-Children (Contains many different resources in one location) 

Sunday, August 1, 2021

August 2021 - Jesus Helped In Many Ways



This month, let's focus on how you can help in many ways like Jesus did.

To get started, read this article in the Friend, Jesus Helped In Many Ways.

Photo Credit:  July 2021 Friend Magazine 

Jesus helped others in many different ways. He healed the sick, changed water to wine, and many other miracles.  But, mostly, Jesus looked for little ways to make a difference.  What are some small and even big things you can do to help others?  

Watch this video of your Primary friends from the 22nd ward talking about ways they can help others. 

For the Little Ones:  Jesus helped in many ways. One way was by helping the children feel loved. He was such a wonderful example to us. What is something you can do to help like Jesus did?


Suggested songs to learn this month:





How are you being like Jesus?

Let's Connect!   Your answer to the question can inspire your friends and help you connect with other Primary children. 

Ways to share and connect with others:

  • Answer the question with your family and friends in person. 
  • Have a parent type your thoughts and ideas in the comment section below.  
  • Take time to read the posted comments. Think about what others have shared and try some of their ideas.
  • Submit your response to the Friend magazine. Look on the back page of the Friend for details.

Additional Resources:

Children's Site

Audience-Children (Contains many different resources in one location) 

Thursday, July 1, 2021

July 2021 - Jesus Cared for Others


This month, let's focus on how you can share like Jesus did.

To get started, read this article in the Friend, Jesus Shared with Others.

Photo Credit:  July 2021 Friend Magazine 

Jesus wants us to share with others. Can you think of something you can share with someone? What does this mean to you?  It might mean sharing a toy with your brother or taking a treat to a neighbor.  Sometimes sharing means letting someone use something you own, or it could mean telling someone how you feel when you attend Primary.  You can share not only toys and food, but thoughts, feelings and ideas.

Watch this video of your Primary friends from the 18th ward talking about ways they can share with others.  (video coming soon!)

For the Little Ones:  Jesus loved sharing! He shared in many different ways. He loves us and wants us to share with others too. How can we share like Jesus did? We can share our toys, we can share a treat, we can share crayons, or by sharing the gospel. 

Suggested songs to learn this month:





How are you serving others?

Let's Connect!   Your answer to the question can inspire your friends and help you connect with other Primary children. 

Ways to share and connect with others:

  • Answer the question with your family and friends in person. 
  • Have a parent type your thoughts and ideas in the comment section below.  
  • Take time to read the posted comments. Think about what others have shared and try some of their ideas.
  • Submit your response to the Friend magazine. Look on the back page of the Friend for details.

Additional Resources:

Children's Site

Audience-Children (Contains many different resources in one location) 

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

June 2021 - Jesus Served Others


This month, let's focus on how you can serve others like Jesus did.

To get started, read this article in the Friend, Jesus Served Others.

Photo Credit:  June 2021 Friend Magazine 

Jesus taught us by example how to serve others. He always found ways to help everyone, especially those that might be overlooked by others.
How can you serve others?  How can you be extra focused on those who need your help most?

Watch this video of your Primary friends from the Corinne 2nd ward talking about ways they can serve others. 

For the Little Ones:  Because our Savior can’t be here in person, we can help serve others for Him. Jesus said love everyone. He taught that it’s important to take care of everyone. Even those who might seem less important.

Suggested songs to learn this month:





How are you serving others?

Let's Connect!   Your answer to the question can inspire your friends and help you connect with other Primary children. 

Ways to share and connect with others:

  • Answer the question with your family and friends in person. 
  • Have a parent type your thoughts and ideas in the comment section below.  
  • Take time to read the posted comments. Think about what others have shared and try some of their ideas.
  • Submit your response to the Friend magazine. Look on the back page of the Friend for details.

Additional Resources:

Children's Site

Audience-Children (Contains many different resources in one location) 

Saturday, May 1, 2021

May 2021 - Jesus Helped Create the Earth

This month, let's focus on how you can help take care of the Earth Heavenly Father and Jesus created for you.

To get started, read this article in the Friend, Jesus Helped Create the Earth

Photo Credit:  May 2021 Friend Magazine 

How are you helping to take care of Earth and all of its' creations?  There are so many things you can do!

Here is a short list:

  • Be kind to animals
  • Pick up trash 
  • Converse resources like water and fuel.  
What ways can you help?

Watch this video of your Primary friends from the River ward talking about ways they can help take care of Earth. 

For the Little Ones:  Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ created so many beautiful things for us. Earth, animals, flowers, fruit trees, water, stars, and grass. So many! We can show Them that we are grateful by cleaning up garbage, feeding our pets, saying “thank you” in our prayers and and teaching other’s to help out.

Suggested songs to learn this month:





How are you helping to take care of Earth and all of its' creations?

Let's Connect!   Your answer to the question can inspire your friends and help you connect with other Primary children. 

Ways to share and connect with others:

  • Answer the question with your family and friends in person. 
  • Have a parent type your thoughts and ideas in the comment section below.  
  • Take time to read the posted comments. Think about what others have shared and try some of their ideas.
  • Submit your response to the Friend magazine. Look on the back page of the Friend for details.

Additional Resources:

Children's Site

Audience-Children (Contains many different resources in one location) 

Thursday, April 1, 2021

April 2021- Jesus Included Others

This month, let's focus on how you can include others as Jesus did.

To get started, read this article in the Friend, Jesus Included Others

Photo Credit:  April 2021 Friend Magazine 

How can you include others?  Have you ever noticed someone alone and maybe a bit too shy to ask to play with you?  You can ask them to join you. Some kids talk different, or need extra effort to feel included.  Jesus included all people and especially made sure that children received his love and attention.  Make it a goal to look for those who need to be included and find ways to involve them in what you are doing. 

Watch this video of your Primary friends from the 15th ward talking about ways they can include others. 

For the Little Ones:  Like Jesus we can include others! If you see someone who might look sad or lonely think of what you could do to include or help them. We can be like Jesus everyday!
Jesus said “Suffer the little children to come unto me.”

Suggested songs to learn this month:





How are you including others?


Let's Connect!   Your answer to the question can inspire your friends and help you connect with other Primary children. 

Ways to share and connect with others:

  • Answer the question with your family and friends in person. 
  • Have a parent type your thoughts and ideas in the comment section below.  
  • Take time to read the posted comments. Think about what others have shared and try some of their ideas.
  • Submit your response to the Friend magazine. Look on the back page of the Friend for details.

Additional Resources:

Children's Site

Audience-Children (Contains many different resources in one location)